"All I have to say is WOW! We hired the By the Horns for our son's graduation party and not only did every person at the party including my 82-year-old father have an absolute blast riding the bull and hilarious time laughing as people tried to hang on and then went tumbling onto the mat. The team of Michael and David kept the party going and were complete professionals and made SAFETY their top priority. They are a MUST hire for your next event!! "
Betty S. - Newark DE.

Are Mechanical Bulls Safe for my Event?
So you are probably wondering how safe Mechanical Bulls are? The answer is yes! They are extremely safe and that ain't no BULL. Long gone are the days of broken bones and hospital visits. In fact, according to new findings, mechanical bulls when operated properly are one of the safest forms of inflatable entertainment, even safer than the popular bounce house. This is because mechanical bulls are constantly monitored for the safety of the participants and operated by only specially trained professionals. The trained operator at the variable speed control box regulates the bull’s Buck-and-Spin speed, as well as, spin direction. The bull has the capability of starting rides very slowly and can be advanced to speeds according to a rider’s ability. The mechanical bull can go slow and simply spin for beginners and run at a more advanced speed for experts/professionals.
At By the Horns, we ONLY use the Safest Bulls on the Market
The bulls we use are manufactured in the USA by Mechanical Bull Sales. They currently offer the safest bull on the market and because of their safety, are the preferred vendor of most insurance companies. This is because of how their bulls are designed to move and operate. Most mechanical bull injuries occur when a rider is thrown over the head of the bull. This comes from poor bull design and poor planning of the riding motion. MBS bulls are designed to only toss riders off the side of the bull rather than over-top of the bull's horns. MBS Bulls are equipped with soft rope handles and an extremely well-padded body, head, and Horns ensuring no injury will occur if you come in contact with them. Mechanical bulls have improved so much in recent years that they are now suitable for small children to ride.
What happens when I fall off?
Now that you know that our bulls are soft and safe, you're probably wondering what happens when you fall off. Well, don't be worried! All of our bulls come with an oversized 16'x 16' inflatable mattress with 42" retaining walls. For the most part, falling off is the funniest part, as you are ensured a soft landing and with no possibility of going over the edge.
Safety Is our #1 Priority for our Customers.
At By the Horns, LLC. We reinforce safety in all areas when operating the bull. Here are a few more bullet points.
Our bulls are surrounded by a circular 16' x 16' air mattress. This is inflated fully and never runs without it in place. The constant airflow allows the mat to be inflated and offers maximum protection at all times.
Our MBS bull's head and horn are also padded and are very soft.
When riding the bull you will hold onto a rope instead of a strap or metal post. This allows for safer dismount from the bull if you fall off.
There are various speeds in which the bull operates. These different speeds allow anyone regardless of age or ability to safely ride the bull.
Our Bulls are Inspected before every event to ensure smooth operation and safety. We register every one of our inspections with the State we are operating in.
There is always a professionally trained operator running the bull at all times. Our operators have been educated in the importance of all mechanical bull safety and Maintenance. They are in control of:
the speed
the buck-and-spin
the direction of the spin
Every ride is customized to ensure it to be fun and safe no matter what the age of the rider.
Download a Copy of our rider Waiver HERE